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 My snoot. Boop it!

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Médailles : My snoot. Boop it! Valida12 My snoot. Boop it! Ft10 My snoot. Boop it! Premie10 My snoot. Boop it! 10_rp10 My snoot. Boop it! 50_rp10 My snoot. Boop it! 100_rp10 My snoot. Boop it! 500_rp10 My snoot. Boop it! 1000_r10 My snoot. Boop it! Premie11 My snoot. Boop it! 5_suje10 My snoot. Boop it! 10_suj10 My snoot. Boop it! 25_suj10 My snoot. Boop it! 50_suj10 My snoot. Boop it! 100_su10 My snoot. Boop it! Rp_gaz10 My snoot. Boop it! Rp_dol11 My snoot. Boop it! Rp_hzo10 My snoot. Boop it! Rp_spi11 My snoot. Boop it! Rp_iva10
Messages : 350
Date d'inscription : 30/10/2010
Age : 340
Localisation : Derrière toi ! Et pendant que tu te retournes, j'te pique ton portefeuille !

Informations du personnage
Localisation: Héra

My snoot. Boop it! Empty
MessageSujet: My snoot. Boop it!   My snoot. Boop it! EmptyLun 7 Juin - 1:28

You are a hyena living in a hyena pack. You have been given the task of hunting down and killing any humans that wander too close to your territory. It's not exactly an easy job, but you've managed to do it before.

> You patrol with other hyenas.
The pack is large enough that you can easily keep up with them all on your own. They are very loyal to each other, so you don't need to worry about being attacked by anyone else.
Suddenly, a strange whirring noise is heard from ahead. It grows louder and louder, and suddenly a large metal claw tears its way out of the earth, sending dirt and debris into the air.

> You growl.
It's so loud that you can't even hear the other hyenas nearby.
The claw slowly begins to rise from the ground as it gets closer and closer to you. What is this?

> You take a step back.
You can't take another step back. You are right in front of the claw.
The claw keeps getting closer and closer to you, and soon, your legs are about to give way.

> You try to run away.
You dart your eyes back and forth as you desperately try to find a way out of this.
You see trees up ahead... Maybe you can outrun it.

> You run as fast as you can.
You break into a run as your legs pump as fast as they can.
You manage to make it out of the claw's range, and find that you are already out of the territory of the claw. You keep running as you notice other strange objects in the distance.
Suddenly, you hear a loud noise behind you.
If you look back, you see that the claw has become much closer to you, and now seems to be following you.

> You run, and try to climb a tree.
You turn around and see that the claw is gaining speed, and is headed straight for you.
You manage to find a nearby tree to climb into, but the claw keeps getting closer.

> You try to climb the tree.
You manage to climb the tree, but your position is becoming more and more dangerous. The claw keeps getting closer and closer.
You look down and see that there is a village not too far away.

> You jump off the tree, and run toward the village.
You look down at the village as the claw gets closer and closer to you. Then, you jump.
As you fall toward the village, you can see the buildings getting smaller and smaller. If you could only slow down...
You hit the ground running, straight into a human's legs. You roll to the side as you hear the man grunt in pain.

> You look at the man.
You see the man frowning down at you. He's human.
"What are you?" he asks.
"Sorry." You say, instantly realizing how stupid that must sound.
"What do you want?"

> You say "I'm running"
"You're running?"
You nod as the man helps you to your feet.
"Where do you think you're going?" he asks.
"I have to get home.

> You say "The claw attacked me and my pack"
"What claw?"
The man's face is beginning to show signs of anger.

> You look behind you, searching for the claw to show it to the man.
You look back, but there is nothing there. You are beginning to feel really crazy.
"There's a claw behind me..." you think to yourself.
"A claw?" the man repeats.

> You say "A big claw. It was following me and wanted to kill me."
The man looks behind him, but he can't see anything.
"There's nothing there." He says.
"It was right behind me." You say.
"There's no such thing as monsters."

> You say "It hide. It saw you and hide. When you will leave, it will come back."
The man seems a bit freaked out.
"What? Why would it do that?"
"I don't know."
"Be serious."

> You say "I am serious."
The man rolls his eyes and walks away from you.
"Have a nice day."
You sigh and follow the man.

> You say "No. The claw will come back. I go in your village."
The man stops walking and turns around.
"Look, I'm not going to say there are no such things, but even if it was a real claw, it won't come back here, trust me.

> You say "I need to go back to my pack"
The man seems to think about it.
"Okay, but only because you're really, really cute. I would try to stop you, but I'd be afraid of what you could do."

> You say "Am cute?"
The man laughs.
"Yeah, you're cute."
He begins to think about what he should do.
"Well, um... I have a suggestion..." he says.

> You say "What is it?"
"You should not go back there."
"Because, there's a lot of dangerous things in the forest, and if your parents can't take care of it, then who can?

> You say "But, am strong."
"I didn't say you were weak."
"Am strong, and can't be beat."
The man laughs again.
"Well, aren't you a big boy? You must like eating spiders, huh?"

> You say "No, spiders too tiny. I eat big animals."
The man bursts out laughing.
"Oh my god, if you can eat animals the size of dogs, then you must have eaten a horse!"

> You say "No horse, but giraffe."
"A giraffe? Oh my god, I'm sorry, but you're too stupid to come here."
"I is not stupid. Is big animal!"
The man begins laughing once more.

> You say "Why you laugh? You mean hooman."
This time, the man stops laughing. He seems a bit angry.
"How dare you call me a hooman."
"Hooman is better than your name, lesser word for human."

> You say "Hooman are bad. Claw must be hooman invention."
The man walks away from you again, but stops before he gets too far.

> You say "Where you go?"
"Listen to me. If you want to stay alive in this forest, you'll listen to what I have to say, and do as I say."

> You say "Why? You hooman. You weak. Am strong."
The man walks up to you, and his eyes become dead serious.

> You look at him in the eyes.
Your gaze makes the man uncomfortable; he looks down and shuffles his feet.
"If I was going to kill you, don't you think I would have done it by now?"
He pauses, as if searching for any signs that you are being cruel on purpose.

> You say "Hooman can't kill hyena."
The man stares at you, and you get a little scared.

> You say "Hooman without weapon can't kill hyena."
The man sighs, and begins to lecture you on how you should be careful in the forest. After he's finished, he looks a bit embarrassed.

> You say "Why say that?"
"Is bad.

> You say "Me hyena. Me living forest."
"I think we can do better than that, but let's just get some agreements made, alright?"
The man takes out a small notebook and pencil.
"Alright, first of all, my name's David."

> You say "Hooman has name? Hooman name David?"
"Yeah, and you can call me that, or you can call me by my nickname."
"What is nickname?

> You say "Nickname food?"
"Ah, alright. My nickname is Food, because I'm sorta like... well, you know."

> You say "Hooman food!"
"No, because I'm not a human, I'm a cannibal."
"Ha ha! Human bad!"
"Alright, what's your name?

> You say "Am hyena. Have no name."
"Well, you can just call me Food for now, I don't care."
Food makes a note in his book.

> You say "What you do?"
"I'm a trapper, and I trap animals so I can take their pelts and sell them to the fur traders in the city. Do you have any yet?"
"Am hungry.

> You say "I eat animal, no pelt. Trapper take hyena pelt too?"
"No, we don't skin the animals that we catch. Good thing too, because I think you'd be quite the asset to the community."
"Why what?"
"You say "You trapper? Am friend trapper."
"Yeah, I'm a trapper by trade.

> You say "Trade pelt?"
"I catch the animals, take the pelt, and sell it to the furriers."
"You give to trapper who no pelt? They no good? You steal from them?"
"No, they get their furs from other trappers, from other communities...

> You say "Trappers bad."
"What?! Bad?! How can you say that?! They help countless numbers of people with food every single year!"
"Am not talking about that. I no trust trapper.

> You say "Am hyena. Trappers bad."
"Well, you don't trust people easily.
"Am talking about two other trapper who live here. They bad."
"What do you mean?"
"They steal pelt from you and others.

> You say "And they kill hyena family."
"I'm not sure I follow you."
"People come here two go two trade and buy. But they kill family just to take pelt."
"That's horrible.

> You say "You trapper. You kill familly hyena, yes or no?"
"What?! No, absolutely not! Especially since they're at their most vulnerable when they're with their families in the wintertime."
"You trust him? You trapper?"
"I wouldn't say I trust him, but I respect him as a colleague more than I would any of the other trappers here."
"You not hooman. You liar.

> You say "You monster."
"I think you need to take your mind off of things. Come on, let's go catch us a moose."

> You go hunting. You don't find a moose, but two rabbits.
"Here you go."
"Thank you."
Food takes the rabbits, and quickly catches your attention.
"What you do? You go fight monster? Am big boy. I don't need you to fight for me."
"I fight all the time. Just not today."
"You no protect me?"
"I don't have my bow with me. You want me to go get it?"
"Then I'm not going to be able to fight the monster."
"Me no understand.

> You say "Me say that you monster. No other monster."
"I know. I'm sorry."
"You lie, am not stupid."
"I'm telling you the truth as I know it. I can't guarantee anything."
"You trapper. You liar."
"You're right. I am a liar, but I'm trying to do what's best for you.
"Am big boy. No need to protect."
"Yes, you do. Everyone needs someone to watch their back."
"Me no understand."
"You need a BFF. A best friend forever."
"Me have many. No need more."
"Sure. But I'm telling you, you need one who will always have your back. Even if that back scares the hell out of them. You need a girlfr..."
You begin to get angry.
"NO! Me no have girlfr..."
"Okay, okay, I'll stop.

> You say "Me very big boy. Am hyena, am strong."
"You're right. You're a giant among men. I have no words."
Suddenly, a voice from the trees interrupts you.
"What is going on over there?!"

> You growl when you hear the voice.
"Who's there?!"
You growl again and crouch, ready to pounce.
"It's just me! Sir Kit, of the Squire's Servants. The owner of this fine coat is the infamous monster who has been terrorizing the surrounding area."
You pause, and use your amazing sense of smell to analyze the air.

> You say "Sir Kit bad smell. It stink."
"Ah. I see that some skills are still with you. Good."
"Yes, yes! Bad smell! Smell bad! You bad!

> You say "Need no girlfriend!!"
Sir Kit gulps and continues talking.
"Erm... no. I'm not here about that. I need assistance. My... my horse has gone missing, and I was hoping you could help me look for it."
"Find horse."

> You say "What horse look like?"
"A large black beast. With a peculiar... symbol on its flank."

> You say "Cutie mark?"
"Yes, exactly. I need your help to find it, especially since that's what you're best at."
You think for a moment. Could it be one of the horses from the stables?

> You run to the stables.
You run to the stables, and quickly rush inside. There's a big horse there that could be the one.
You grab one of the torches from the wall, light it up and take a look around.

> You say "Horse! You Sir Kit horse?"
"Ah, no. I don't even know this man. He's just telling lies to me!"
You look at Sir Kit, wondering if he's hiding something.

> You say "You steal horse! "
"What?! I'm telling you the truth!"
"You steal horse, yes?"
"No! I would never!"
You continue to stare at Sir Kit.

> You say "Bad hooman! No steal horse!"
"Alright, alright! I'll show you my horse, but you really need to find my beast."
Sir Kit turns around, and slowly walks over to his horse.

> You look at Sir Kit.
You look at the horse, and realize something.
"He cut!"
You quickly... ran over to... the horse, and take a closer look. Sure enough, there's a faint scar going through its flank. You know just how to fix this.

> You lick the scar.
You run forward, and press your snout against the horse's scarred flank. The smell of fresh blood hits your nostrils, and you're immediately rewarded with a powerful rush of... something. Energy? Pleasure?
Whatever it is, it's euphoria and blissful, filling you with happiness as you enjoy the scent of your new prey.
Sir Kit looks on nervously.
"Alright, boy. I know you're hiding something, and I'm going to find out what it is."
You sniff the air, searching for that enticing smell.

> You want to eat the horse.
This is an enticing smell to you. Fresh blood, strange and unknown. You feel a powerful hunger in your stomach, as you want nothing more than to sink your teeth into this horse's flesh.
It takes some time, but you eventually succumb to your hunger, and tear into the horse's flesh with wild abandon. You feast upon the flesh of the horse with abandon, tearing into the savory flesh with reckless abandon, searching for that delicious, life-giving blood.

> You say "Food! Ate horse."
"Have you... finished?"
"OK. Then let's get you back home, alright?"
Sir Kit turns the horse over to its other side, to face you.

> You say "Ate horse."
"Alright, you know what? I lied. I'm not even going to get you back home. I have a more important task for you."

> You say "What task?"
"You're not just a scavenger anymore. From now on, you're a protector. I'm sending you to scavenge for higher quality food than that horse."
You stare at Kit with confusion.

> You say "Kit, have mission too for Kit"
"Yes, yes I am. Charge rifle's in the back of your van. Go find something else to eat, something better than horse."

> You say "No."
"Then you're useless to me. Go eat the rest of your horse, and then go find yourself a better gift from a different store, because you're not bringing that one back."

> You say "Boop my snoot."
"Now now, I can't allow that. I'm not even sure if I'd be able to get it back to you."
"Boop my snoot. Boop my snoot, snootie do," you repeat.
"Alright then, you got it. Just don't get it back to me.

> You say "BOOP."
"Done and done. Let's get out of here, shall we?"
Sir Kit slides in his seat belt as the car slowly backs out of the parking space.
"Boop boop boop boop," you say.
"You know, I'm not even going to ask what you just said. I'm too afraid of what the answer might be."
"Boop boop boop," you repeat.

> You say "Boop snoot!!"
"Alright, I give up. What did you just say?"
"Boop snoot. Boop snoot."
"I still don't understand.

> You say "My snoot. Boop it."
"Ah. Now I get it. You want me to drive faster."

> You say "No. Boop my snoot."
"I don't think that's a good idea. Besides, this traffic is moving slow...besides, we're already going the speed limit."

> You say "No. My snoot."
"Is there a specific reason you're refusing to let me drive faster?"
"My snoot. Boop it. Snoot boop boop."
"I don't understand why you would rather have a fungal infection on the base of your tail bone than be sent home.

> You say "Me boop you."
"That's not exactly how the sentence structure works, nor is it something you can easily say while riding in a vehicle at highway speed.
"Me boop you," you repeat.

> You poke Kit's nose with your paw. You say : "Hehe, boop."
"Alright, I give up," he says.

> You say "Now you boop."
"Me? I don't think so. I think you're a little too far away from me to even reach my nose, let alone boop it."

> You poke Kit's nose again.
"Alright, I give up," he says again.
"Now you boop," you say.
"I don't see how that would work either. You'll have to explain that more thoroughly to me."

> You say "You boop with finger. My snoot."
"Well, I don't think that's a very good idea either. I'm not exactly close enough to do that."
"With finger. My snoot. Boop. You boop."
"Alright, but I'm not doing that."
"My snoot. You boop."
"I don't think so. You're going to have to explain that again."
"With finger. You boop."
"I don't have fingers. Ha ha ha."
With a sigh, you fall silent, and that's when Kit decides to break the silence.
"What's wrong?" he asks. "You've been very quiet as we've been driving around this town. Not that I'm complaining.

> You say "Boop."
"Boop," you say.
"What about it?"
"I'm not sure I follow. What do you want me to do, boop you?

> You say "Yes!"
"Yes what? Are you drunk or something?"

> You poke strongly Kit's nose.
"I want you to boop me!"
"I don't understand, I thought you just said you were too far away to boop my nose."
"No. With finger. You boop."
"With a finger? What the hell are you talking about?"
"You. With finger. Boorp."
"Are you sure? I've never known you to make mistakes. You're usually very certain about everything all the time."
"No mistakes. You boop."
"Alright, fine. I'll boop you so you'll shut the hell up about it."
"With finger."
"With what?"
"Finger. Boorp."
Having gotten his way, you can hear the grin in your voice when Kit says "Thank goodness. I was getting tired of your fake British accent and repeated questioning."
"Boop," you say.
"Yeah, okay, I'll boop you. Are you happy?"
"Boop," you say, and you can hear the smile in Kit's voice when he says "Yeah, that'll teach you to not ask for things."
"Good. Boop."
You wait for what seems like a few minutes, but is probably less than a minute, before you hear a slap and a "thud". Then you hear another, then another, and another. You look over to your right, and can see your reflection in the glass of the passenger window. The sight that greets you is very bizarre looking. You see a grayish black blob slumped over the seat, and you can just see a leg hanging outside the car. At this point you're not entirely sure if you're still in the car or outside of it.
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My snoot. Boop it!
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