Gaïa : Un aéronef en partance pour le Village Glaçon a été détourné. L'acte a été revendiqué par
un groupe terroristes d'Ivalice.
Tous les mondes : Certains portails n'ont pas l'air de fonctionner correctement. Ceux qui les traversent
atterrissent pourtant dans les mondes qu'on connaît. Mais est-ce vraiment le cas... ?



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Médailles : Wawa Valida12 Wawa Ft10 Wawa Premie10 Wawa 10_rp10 Wawa 50_rp10 Wawa 100_rp10 Wawa 500_rp10 Wawa 1000_r10 Wawa Premie11 Wawa 5_suje10 Wawa 10_suj10 Wawa 25_suj10 Wawa 50_suj10 Wawa 100_su10 Wawa Rp_gaz10 Wawa Rp_dol11 Wawa Rp_hzo10 Wawa Rp_spi11 Wawa Rp_iva10
Messages : 355
Date d'inscription : 30/10/2010
Age : 340
Localisation : Derrière toi ! Et pendant que tu te retournes, j'te pique ton portefeuille !

Informations du personnage
Localisation: Héra

Wawa Empty
MessageSujet: Wawa   Wawa EmptyLun 7 Juin - 1:29

You are Wawa, a hyena. You are very, very dumb, and everyone makes fun of you. You don't know why, but it just is. You have no friends, or even any real interests other than eating everything in sight.
One day, you're patroling the back lot when you see something that catches your eye. A big truck with a trailer behind it. The driver is asleep at the wheel, so you decide to wake him up.

> You bark at the driver.
You take a step forward, but are stopped by a powerful force. You feel your feet being lifted off the ground, and your body flung against the trailer.
You're stuck!

> You bark, hoping someone will come and help you.
You try to squirm out of the corner you're in, but it's no use. You've been stuck, and there's no way someone is going to come and rescue you.

> You cry.
You feel a tear slide down your cheek. How will you ever get out of this?

> You yell as loud as you can to wake up the driver.
As if in answer to your prayers, the truck begins to shake. The shaking wakes up the driver, and he starts to get out of his seat.

> You cry for help.
You scream as loud as you can for the driver to come back and rescue you, but he doesn't listen. The man gets more and more frustrated when he notices the keys are in the ignition.

> You begin to bark.
The engine roars to life, and the driver gets back in his seat. The trailer begins to shift, and you push back against it in an attempt to get out of your trap.
You're stuck!

> You yell more, hoping your pack will hear you and come help.
You yell for all you're worth, but it's no use. No one will hear you.
You cry just a little bit more...

> You try making music by touching the trailer.
The trailer begins to shudder, and the engine roars to life. The driver looks over, sees you, and lets out a chuckle.
You're not sure why, but you begin to laugh as well.

> You laugh like a hyena, because you are one.
You laugh with glee! Then, you hear a crashing noise. You look behind you and see the trailer has plowed into a big tree. You are trapped inside your laughing death trap.

> You ram into the trailer's walls.
You try to ram into the trailer's wall, but it doesn't work. Your strength isn't enough to push it. You're stuck.

> You bark at the driver.
The engine roars to life, and the driver looks over. When he sees you, his eyes go wide.
He points at you, and he lets out a wail.

> You look at him and do puppy eyes.
The driver slowly shakes his head, and the engine revs to life again. You hear the trailer shift as the man drives away. You sit there and stare at it in defeat.

> You ram into the wall again.
You try to ram into the wall, but it doesn't work. Your strength isn't enough to push it. You're stuck.

> You look into the trailer to find something interesting.
You look into the trailer and see a bunch of weed. You stand up and stare in shock at the trailer, and then you look at the weed.

> You wondering what it is.
You look at the weed, and you wonder what it is. This is so strange; you've never had weed before. You stare into the trailer's interior, wondering what to do next.

> You eat the weed.
It's better than nothing. You reach in and grab a small piece of the weed, and eat it. You feel more energized than you have since you woke up.

> You try again to ram into the wall.
You try to ram into the wall, but it doesn't work. Your strength isn't enough to push it. You're stuck.
Suddenly, you hear a loud noise.

> You listen to the noise and wondet what it is.
You listen to the noise, and you slowly turn toward it. You hear the truck starting up again. The engine revs to life, and the trailer slowly begins to pull away from the wreckage it made in the trees.

> You sit and wait.
You sit there and wait for the truck to come back, too tired to move. You just want to close your eyes and sleep.
Suddenly, you notice movement out of the corner of your eye.

> You look at what you noticed.
You look over at what you noticed: The truck is coming back! You sit up and hold on to the side of the trailer as it passes by.

> You bark at the truck.
The engine revs to life, and the trailer slowly begins to pull away from the wreckage it made in the trees.
Suddenly, your stomach growls! You realize you haven't eaten in a while.

> You try to find an exit.
You look around, but you're stuck. You stand up, but you can't see any exits. You notice the ramp is missing.
Suddenly, you hear laughing.
You look around frantically and realize the noise is coming from you. You break into laughter.
A moment later, the truck stops.

> You stop laughing.
You stop laughing, but you feel so giddy, you can't help but laugh again.
The truck keeps driving, and you don't get the chance to ask what's going on. You sit there in shock.

> You wondering when the driver will stop and open the trailer to let you out.
Finally, after what feels like forever, you see an opening in the trailer.
You spring into action and send the folding chair flying.
As soon as the opening is big enough, you jump out of the trailer.

> You you're finally outside!
You are finally outside, but you don't know where you are. You feel tears prick your eyes. You're alive. You've survived. You did this yourself. You made it out.

> You look around.
You look around, but it's all so unfamiliar. You don't know where to go. You spot a tree, and you drag yourself over to it. As soon as you reach it, you rest.

> You sleep.
You're awake immediately.
You stand up, and begin walking in an attempt to find something. You don't know what, but you have to go somewhere.

> You walk a long time.
You walk for a long time and find nothing.
You've walked and walked and walked, but you still can't find anything. You're cold and tired. You don't know what else to do.

> You cry.
You cry for a long time. You can't stop yourself.
Suddenly, you hear a buzzing. You look around and spot a small plane not too far away.
You gently crawl in that direction. You're too exhausted to do it any other way.
You approach the plane and realize it's not moving.

> You look closely at the plane.
You notice the plane has a small engine. It's still running, but it won't turn over. You go around to the door and look inside. There's a set of keys hanging on the wall.

> You look everywhere to see if someone is here.
You open every single door and peek in every window. You don't see anyone.
Suddenly, you notice a note on the seat. It reads:
Make sure to fuel up here before taking off.

> You are a hyena, you can't read the note.
You are a stupid hyena, never learn. You paw at the note in frustration, but it's beyond you.
You watch as a can of gas appears out of thin air.

> You approach the can, wondering if it's food.
You investigate the can and find it full of gas. You're still hungry, but your stomach starts to growl uncontrollably.
Suddenly realization hits you. You didn't find food, you found gas!

> You can't eat the gas.
You can't risk eating the gas without knowing if it's poisonous.
You start running around, screaming. You notice a matchbox on the dashboard of the plane.

> You try eating the matchbox.
You try to eat the matchbox, but you can't stomach it. It doesn't sit well in your stomach, and makes you feel sick. You puke immediately after eating it.

> You go out of the plane, angry. There was nothing to eat here!
You need to get out of this plane, and quick. There is nothing for you here.
You notice a bunch of papers lying around the plane.

> You look at the paper but can't understand what is on it.
You look at the papers, but you can't make any sense of them. The symbols are moving and look really strange to you.

> You sniff the air.
The papers have a strange smell to them.
Suddenly, you hear the plane start up! You look outside and see the pilot in the cockpit. He starts pulling up the newspaper on the runway.

> You bark at the pilot.
You bark at the pilot, but he doesn't react.
Suddenly, you feel some papers hit your head! You turn around and see the pilot throwing papers at you!
You need to retaliate.

> You run toward the pilot, all teeth out.
You run towards the pilot, barking aggressively.
The pilot startles and lets go of the controls. You make a grab to grab the steering wheel.
The plane turns back towards the runway.

> You have no idea how to pilot the plane.
You are too tired to remember how to pilot the plane. You look out at the runway and see it getting closer and closer.
You look for any kind of manual, but you don't see anything.

> You touch every button you find.
You touch every button you can find, but nothing happens. You try to think of something that might make the plane go faster.
Suddenly, you notice the fuel gauge. It is nearly full.

> You pull a lever.
You grab the lever and pull it real hard. Nothing happens.
You pull the lever again, this time with more strength. The plane starts to speed up.
Getting closer to the runway.

> You pull the steering wheel.
You pull the steering wheel as hard as you can. The plane starts to speed up.
The plane speeds out onto the runway.
You can see the control tower in the far distance.

> You bark in a radio.
You bark frantically at the control tower.
Suddenly, a very large hawk swoops down and grabs you with its talons. You are flung high into the air and away from the plane.

> You wonder what is happening, since you don't see the hawk.
You wonder what just happened. You are floating in the air, helpless. You see a hawk float down next to you, with a large piece of meat in its talons.

> You try to grab the meat.
You try to grab the meat, but you can't reach it. The meat looks really far away. You're not sure if you could even reach that high.

> You bark at the eagle.
You bark at the hawk, trying to get it to drop the meat so you can get it. The hawk just looks at you and floats away. You are floating in the air, helpless.

> You struggle.
You struggle to reach the meat, but you just move your head up and down. You are helpless, floating in the air, while a hawk floats nearby.

> You insult the hawk in hyena langagr.
You insult the hawk in its native language, hoping it will get angry and drop the meat so you can reach it.
The hawk looks at you and barks.

> You are surprise a hawk can bark.
You are surprised to learn that birds can even talk. You are even more surprised when the hawk answers you in fluent English, asking you what you want.

> You but you don't know english very well, so you answer in french : "Je veux viande !"
You don't know English very well, so you answer in French: "I want meat!"
The hawk laughs at how you said "I want meat", and explains that it is "I want food"

> You say in french : "je veux manger !"
You say in French: "I want to eat!"
The hawk looks at you, and laughs at your poor grasp of the language.

> You cry and continue in french : "Pas comprendre. Moi juste faim. Vouloir manger !"
You cry and continue in French: "Not understand. I just hungry. Want to eat!"
The hawk looks at you, amused that you can't even speak your native language correctly.
The hawk looks to the right, and then to the left, and it points up.

> You look at what the eagle points.
You look where the eagle is pointing and see a small opening. It looks like a cave.
You try to fly towards the cave, but you run out of strength sooner than you expected.

> You look at the eagle and say in french : "Aide ! Moi faim !"
You look at the eagle and say in French: "Help me, I'm hungry!"
The large fisol looks at you, and suddenly flies away.

> You try to get the meat before he flies away.
You quickly try to grab the meat before the eagle flies away.
You feel desperation overtaking your body as you try to reach the meat, but you just move your head up and down. You are helpless, floating in the air, while the meat floats in the air.
The large fisol looks at you and laughs. It flies at you and drops the meat in your lap.

> You take the meat and eat it. You say : "Merci !"
You take the meat and chow down on it. You say "Thank you!"
The fisol laughs and laughs. It looks behind it, and away from the approaching airfield.

> You finish the meat.
You finish the meat, and weakly pat your stomach to check if you are finished.
Surprised by the sudden pain, you wipe away a tear that has formed in your eye.

> You say : "Wawa bobo !"
You say in French "Wah-Wah, stupid boy!"
The fisol looks behind it, confused by this strange slang.
The large fisol is surrounded by soldiers.

> You wondering what these soldiers are.
You wonder what these soldiers are doing here. It's not like you have done anything illegal.
One of the soldiers steps forward, a cruel grin on his face.
"Good evening, I am Lieutenant Karoff. We have received a tip-off that you were planning to sabotage the launch."
You don't reply. He continues talking, but you decide to let him finish.
"Thankfully, we have anticipated such trickery. We have deployed a fail-safe to prevent such things. There is no way you can stop the launch."

> You have no idea what he is talking about.
You have no idea what he is talking about. You are confused.
"The Zeebo project is a military defence system."
You are still confused.

> You say "Quoi Zeebo?"
You say in French "What Zee-Boy?"
He is surprised. "You have not heard of Zeebo? But it has been all over the news for the past month."
"Non !"

> You say "Je suis hyène. Pas comprendre quoi être "news"
You say in French "I am a hyena. Don't understand what being the news."
He rolls his eyes. "Zeebo is a new anti-pirate defense system. It will be installed on all space stations in this sector to defend against pirate attacks."
You continue blinking, confused.
"It is a robot," he explains. "It will be able to scan the sector for activity, and attack pirate ships!"
Again, you are a little confused.
"You do not understand," he says, as if it is your fault. "It will scan the sector for pirate activity, and if it detects any, it will launch rockets to destroy the ship."
You have no words.

> You say "Mais moi pas être pirate... ?"
You say in French "But I'm not a pirate...?"
He sighs, and stares at you. "You haven't stolen anything, have you?"
"Non ! "
"Ah. Then, you should be fine."
He steps back, and other soldiers arrive to collect you. Karoff folds his arms over his chest.
"And you are?"

> You say "Wawa. Je suis hyène."
You say in French "I am Wawa. I am a hyena."
He looks at you. "Warrick. I am in charge of this project."
"Ah... bonjour !"
"Good day," he smiles, though you get the impression it isn't a nice smile. "You are the last of the animals to arrive."
"Les animaux sont arrivés maintenant?"
"The animals have arrived now?"
"Oui, Wazia et les autres."
He frowns. "I thought they would arrive later, when the humans were on shift.

> You say "Wazia hyène aussi?"
You ask if Wazia is a hyena too.
"Oh no," he says, "She's an arctic wolf."

> You say "Oh. Pourquoi animaux venir?"
You ask why the animals came now.
"The humans needed the animals' help to repair the station."
He looks at you, as if daring you to say something. When you don't, he continues.
"The humans made a mistake when they refused my aid. Now they are paying the price."
"Tu veux dire...?"
He means...
"The humans cannot repair the station. The damage is too great."

> You say "Moi ici pour réparer aussi?"
You ask if you were brought here to repair the station too.
He bursts out laughing. "Oh no. Repair work will not be finished in time for the launch. That's why they brought in these animals."
"Then what?"
"The animals, including you, will die."

> You say "Pourquoi? Moi pas vouloir mourir!"
You cry that you don't want to die.
He sighs, shaking his head slightly. "My sincerest condolences."
You are a fictional character. You do not have to obey his death.

> You say "Non. Moi pas mourir ! Moi vivre ! Et moi sauver autre animaux, et Wazia !"
You say you don't want to die. You want to live! And you want to save the other animals, and Wazia too!
He stares at you. "Fine," he says. "I'll try to find a way to save you both. Now, we should get started."
He gestures for you to enter the room.

> You look into the room.
The room is dark. Karoff finds a switch, and the lights brighten. You see a row of cages. The animals inside look at you pitifully. You notice one in particular.

> You it's the arctic wolf. "Waria ! Moi venir aider !!" you say.
You notice the wolf, who is curled up in a corner. She notices you, and her eyes widen.

> You say "Moi être Wawa ! Moi hyène ! Moi venir aider animaux !"
You yell at the top of your lungs.
"Waria, être mon amie !"
You put on a fake smile.
The animals stare at you, wondering what you'll do.

> You look at the cages.
You stare at the cages filled with animals. You see adorable kitties in there, some dogs who look loyal, a few vicious-looking bears, a gang of monkeys, et .Cetera.

> You look for keys.
Karoff has several metal keys hanging from his belt. You try to grab one, but he zaps you with his taser.
"Ah ah ah!" he says in a sing-song voice.

> You yelp, then bite his hand as strong as you can.
Karoff howls and drops the taser, which you grab and zap him with. He falls to the ground, holding his chest.

> You take the keys.
You grab the keys and run off, trying them in the padlocks on the cages. The animals inside cheer when their cages are opened, and they rush to get out.
A few of them happily follow you around.

> You run outside with them.
You run out of the cage room and into the hallway, heading towards the command center. Karoff trails after you, zapping you repeatedly with his taser. The animals follow behind you, and so do I.

> You turn toward Karoff, growling menacingly.
Karoff backs away, realizing he's in a bad position.
You don't bother chasing him down, you go back to the task at hand.

> You enter the command center with the animals.
Karoff stands between you and the computers, blocking your way. He notices the animals behind you, and moves aside to let them enter first.

> You say "Pousse-toi ! Moi passer !"
You elbow him aside and start punching keys, trying to start the ship as he zaps you with his taser. Suddenly, he stops, realizing he's outgunned.

> You growl, and jump on him.
You wrap your paws around him and squeeze tightly, crushing his windpipe. He gurgles and struggles, but you press your weight on him until his taser is crushed under your weight. He dies, his life's work crushed.
"Wazia ?" one of the animals asks.

> You say "Non, moi Wawa. Waria être loup arctique."
You explain to them that their friend, Waria, was actually a wolf from the icy tundra of Alaska.

> You say "Waria être avec nous aussi !"
You explain that Waria must have joined you during your migration as well, since she certainly knew how to handle a ship like this one. You nod to the other animals in the room.
They all stare at you, as if expecting you to do something else. You shrug and continue, barely able to move with all the energy being drained from you by the machine.

> You ram into the machine.
You run into the machine and ram into it with all your might. You feel a small dent in it, but that's about all. Karoff appears behind you and zaps you in the back, knocking you off.

> You turn to Karoff and say in french : "Mais toi mort !"
You turn to Karoff and begin screaming at him in French. He tries to fight off the effects, but he's weak from your earlier attacks. You lean in close to his face and whisper "You're dead."

> You bite his neck.
You sink your teeth into a weakened Karoff, and begin draining him of his blood. You drink slowly, savoring his life force. He begins to scream, but it's too late. Your mouth is already full of blood.
After a few minutes, the screams stop, and you release your teeth from his neck.

> You go back to the machine.
You look at the dent you made in the machine, then over to Karoff's corpse. You think...
You go back to the machine and start it up again. You can't do this alone.
You strap Waria to the seat, then strap yourself in. The machine starts up again, and suddenly all the animals are released from their cages. You release the brakes and sit back as the ship takes off.
You glance down at Waria, strapped into her seat. She smiles at you, and you return the smile.
For now, you have a common goal: To escape the lab and make it to safety. Perhaps, the brave wolves, the wonderful birds and the strong beavers can all live together in peace. Or perhaps, like animals in the wild, they will fight for dominance.
But for now, you have a common goal. You have each others' trust.

> You and the others roam into the lab.
The lab is dark and empty, the animals' flashlights revealing the way forward. They whisper a few words about how creepy it is that the lab is so empty, except for the scattered furniture and whatnot.

> You look everywhere to find something important.
The animals continue searching, but you notice something. A small tape recorder. You reach for it, and turn it on.

> You listen to the tap.
A strange voice comes out of the recorder, one you don't recognize. "Hello, Karoff. After more than a century of dormancy, your little communication device is about to make you rich."
The animals turn toward you, as does the recorder.

> You continue to listen to the tape.
"Oh dear, I seem to have lost contact with the station. Hm. No matter. The computer will still respond to the signal, and carry out the instructions."
The tape suddenly stops.

> You turn toward the other animals.
"We need to find out where the station is. It's the only way we're getting off this rock." You say. The animals begin discussing among themselves, trying to remember the exact words that were spoken over the intercom.
Suddenly Waria turns around in her seat and stares at you.
"Hey, you wouldn't steal anything would you?" She asks.
You look at the tape recorder in your hands, then over at the group of animals. You think...

> You say "What me steal?"
She smiles. "You wouldn't steal anything" she says. Then, a little to your surprise, she hugs you. "You're one of the nicest hyenas I've met." She says.

> You say "Thank!"
She smiles, then turns around to face the front again. "In any case. We need to find the access panel that lets you get inside the computer room." She says, trotting over to the corner of the room.

> You follow her, trying to find a secret door or something that looks like it.
Waria stops in the corner of a room, right in front of a solid metal door, about twice her size. she looks at it for a moment, then reaches out to find the release button.
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