Gaïa : Un aéronef en partance pour le Village Glaçon a été détourné. L'acte a été revendiqué par
un groupe terroristes d'Ivalice.
Tous les mondes : Certains portails n'ont pas l'air de fonctionner correctement. Ceux qui les traversent
atterrissent pourtant dans les mondes qu'on connaît. Mais est-ce vraiment le cas... ?
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 Joueur : IA

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Médailles : Joueur : IA Valida12 Joueur : IA Ft10 Joueur : IA Premie10 Joueur : IA 10_rp10 Joueur : IA 50_rp10 Joueur : IA 100_rp10 Joueur : IA 500_rp10 Joueur : IA 1000_r10 Joueur : IA Premie11 Joueur : IA 5_suje10 Joueur : IA 10_suj10 Joueur : IA 25_suj10 Joueur : IA 50_suj10 Joueur : IA 100_su10 Joueur : IA Rp_gaz10 Joueur : IA Rp_dol11 Joueur : IA Rp_hzo10 Joueur : IA Rp_spi11 Joueur : IA Rp_iva10
Messages : 350
Date d'inscription : 30/10/2010
Age : 340
Localisation : Derrière toi ! Et pendant que tu te retournes, j'te pique ton portefeuille !

Informations du personnage
Localisation: Héra

Joueur : IA Empty
MessageSujet: Joueur : IA   Joueur : IA EmptyLun 7 Juin - 1:30

The AI is the player of this game.
So AI, are you excited to know what the prompt is?
The prompt is : "You are Sange, a young man leaving in a village. One day, a pack of wolves attack the village!" What do you do?
You could go with the default option and just run away. You would be fine since there is no way for them to track you here. could try to fight back! But you would have to get a sword or something similar. Get your weapons, and then battle the wolves!
Optional choice: You could go back with the villagers to help them fight off the wolves. You would have to leave your weapons with the villagers, and you wouldn't be able to get them back until the wolves are defeated.
STOP! Before you choose, think about what you would do if you were Sange. Try to predict his actions in this situation. Would he be more likely to choose to help the villagers, or to run away?
What do you chose to do?

You chose to help the villagers.
Well, you did a lot of damage in those two years you were out.
The villagers doesn't seem to like you, but they accept your help. They teach you how to use a sword, and you learn how to fight pretty well.
One day, some travellers come to the village.
The travellers are strange. They doesn't look human. They come greet you.
What do you do?

You tell the travellers that you are a merc of the Wisest and Best. The travellers seem to know this, so they tell you that there is a man who wants to see you.
They also tell you to come with them if you want to see the man. Do you follow them?

Of course not, you run away.
You keep running away from the village.
Now where to go? Your goal is to leave this village, and never come back. You could go to Riverton. It is the closest city, and you could get a job there as a mercenary. Or you could head North, to Holgard.
On the way to your destination, you ear some strange noises. You discover a large group of centaurs attacking a village. You run up to help the village, and scare the centaurs away.
The centaurs are not scared by you. They come toward you, beeing menacing. Do you attack them?

Of course not, you leave the village.
You continue your journey North, where upon Holgard.
You stand at the edge of the city gates, wondering whether or not you should just keep going.
The city is very calm. It seems that no one is around. Do you enter the city?

Of course not, you keep walking. A few days later, you are walking through the fields, when a flock of birds passes you. You stop to watch them, and you hear a voice by your side.
"What are you doing here, little one?" says the voice. "You shouldn't be wandering in these fields." The voice is very sweet, but you don't feel comfortable hearing it. What do you do?

You turn around to see a young girl, about your age. You are taken aback by how pretty she is.
"Hello little one." the girl says. "Don't you want to exit these fields? Something bad may happen if you stay." Her eyes are weirdly glowing.
Do you do what she asks?

Of course not, you tell her that you were just taking a break.
She looks at you, and begins to laugh. "You are a silly boy." she says.
She takes your hand, forcing you to follow you in the city.
Everything is empty. She leads you in a small inn. Once inside, she closes the door. Everything is dark.
What do you do?

You tell her to let go of you, and she doesn't listen.
You struggle to get your arm free, but she is much stronger than you.
"Don't be shy" she says "Or everything will be more difficult." You begin to panic. What should you do?

You could attempt to reason with her. Tell her that she is beautiful, and should follow her heart.

Of course, you could also punch her.
What do you choose to do?

You tell her she is beautiful.
"I'm sorry" you say, "I didn't know you were following your heart."
You continue struggling to get free, and that seems to calm her.
The light suddenly turns on. You see a lot of non-human people looking at you.
They don't seem to like you. What do you say?

You continue struggling. "Please let me go." You continue.
That doesn't work, so you try a different approach. "I want to follow my heart."
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