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Médailles : Détective Valida12 Détective Ft10 Détective Premie10 Détective 10_rp10 Détective 50_rp10 Détective 100_rp10 Détective 500_rp10 Détective 1000_r10 Détective Premie11 Détective 5_suje10 Détective 10_suj10 Détective 25_suj10 Détective 50_suj10 Détective 100_su10 Détective Rp_gaz10 Détective Rp_dol11 Détective Rp_hzo10 Détective Rp_spi11 Détective Rp_iva10
Messages : 355
Date d'inscription : 30/10/2010
Age : 340
Localisation : Derrière toi ! Et pendant que tu te retournes, j'te pique ton portefeuille !

Informations du personnage
Localisation: Héra

Détective Empty
MessageSujet: Détective   Détective EmptyLun 7 Juin - 1:34

You are Paul, a detective living in Chicago. You have a pistol and a police badge. You enter the forest where you believe the criminal you're searching for fled to. Suddenly you hear some noise and see some blood on the ground. Someone just got shot! You wonder who the shooter was and where they went.

> You investigate.
You walk in the direction of the sound of the gunshot, following the blood. You see a woman with long hair and a concussion taking cover behind some trees.

> You listen to what is happening.
"Hello," you say. "I'm a police officer." You open your jacket and show her your badge. She stares at it wide-eyed and you put it away. "I'm here to help you,"

> You say "Tell me what is happening here."
She pauses, and you remember that this must be a traumatized person with a head injury. "There's a man," she begins, "who is hunting people."

> You say "Where is he?"
"He's... not here. He's in a helicopter. But he's hunting people. And he has a gun."

> You say "Where did he go?"
"He went to the fair."
You nod. The helicopter you saw circling the fair earlier was this man, and he's gone, leaving his rifle behind. "Why did he go there?

> You say "The fair is abandonned."
"I know," she says, "That's why I'm here." She looks at you. "I have to go there."
You look at the gunshot victim. She doesn't look good.

> You say "Why?"
She pauses. "I'm sorry," she begins, "but I'm being hunted there too."
You look at her, stunned. This has to be a joke.
"I don't believe you,"

> You say "But let's go in the fair!"
"Why not?"
"I don't trust it."
"But I don't understand. If you're being hunted there, then that means-"
"I have to go there!"

> You say "You just said you didn't want to go"
She pauses. "I'm being forced to go there. If I don't go, something bad will happen, but if I go there then it'll be even worse."
"What do you mean?"

> You say "Please make your mind. You go, or you don't go?"
"I have to go,"
"You don't have to go!"
She looks at you, and her eyes almost seem to plead with you to understand her. But all you can see is fear.

> You say "I'm joking, let's go"
"Goodbye," she says, and puts the gun to her head. She pulls the trigger.
You're not angry, you're not upset, what could you have done?

> You shrug, that woman was weird, and you decide to go to the fair.
You leave the forest, and walk to the fair.
You reached the "Let's go to the fair" ending.
But that's not the end. There's still the "Bad Things" ending that you can achieve by not listening to the woman.
That ending is a little more dramatic.
Let's go back in time before the woman killed herself, back when she was alive.
You remember that you were talking to a girl, and she was acting strange.
The girl looks at you, and then runs into the forest.

> You go in the fair.
You enter the fair, and walk around.
You find the nearest empty stand and sit down.
"Can I have a coke?" asks a little girl.
You look around to see if anyone heard her.

> You say "Why are you here? The fair is abandonned."
The girl doesn't respond.
"I said, why are you here?"
She looks scared, but continues to stare at you.
"I'm being forced to go into the fair by this man."

> You say "Which man?"
She looks behind you, and whispers "The... man in the helicopter."
"What? Wait. Are you being forced to go into the fair by a helicopter?"
Her eyes widen, and she nods slowly.

> You say "Where is that man now?"
She looks scared again, and points to the helicopter.
"I have to go there. You have to come with me."
She nods slowly, "Ok...

> You say "I'll protect you, don't worry."
"Thank you."
You walk with her to the helicopter, as it hovers above. She sits in the front, while you climb into the helicopter behind her.

> You look in the helicopter.
You sit behind the girl, who seems to be in her early teens. There's also a large man in the helicopter, who raises his gun for a moment, but then continues reading a newspaper.

> You say "Did you force this young girl to come with you?"
The man looks up, and looks at you for a moment. "No. Why do you ask?"
"Because she's scared of you."
"I'm not scary."

> You say "Are you the one who shot a woman in the forest?"
"What? No."
"She said if you don't let her go, something bad will happen."
"Who was this woman?

> You say "A weird woman. She wanted to go to the fair then not."
The man puts his gun back up to his head, and pulls the trigger.
"What the hell!?" you say.
"Sorry about that, I sometimes get flashbacks." He says, putting the gun down.

> You say "Stop pointing your gun on your head!"
"You're right, it's a bad habit. Um, so do you like scary games?"

> You say "They are badly done. They're not scary at all, there're just jumpscare everywhere."
"Yeah, that's what the girl said too. They only did that because I forced her to come with me. I wanted to go see a real horror house, not this mess."

> You say "So you forced her to come with you!"
"Yeah. I wanted a scary game, but this was a mess."
"You don't force children to do what they don't want to."
"Who said she wanted to go with me?

> You say "Well, she didn't!"
"Alright smart guy, you're right. I'm not forcing anyone to do anything. Now do you want to play a game?"

> You say "I'm here to punish you!"
"Punish me? How?"
"I'll shake everyone in the fair!"
"That's not very scary."
"You have no one to blame but yourself, now let's go."

> You say "Let's quit this helicopter!"
He looks at you, and then laughs.
"Sorry, but this seat's being used."
You sigh, and continue to stare at the woods. The man is staring out the window.

> You say "Stand up!"
"Get up!" You say, grabbing his gun and pulling him up.
He stands still for a moment, looking down.

> You say "GET UP"
He stands up, and you point his gun at him.
"Put your hands up!"
He obeys.
"Follow me."
You spot a scarecrow swaying in the wind.

> You say hi to the scarecrow.
The scarecrow don't respond.
"Do you know where the hell I could find a town?"
The scarecrow continues swaying in the wind.

> You say "This is rude."
You continue walking, then spot a glass case.
You point at a dead body in the case.
"Who killed him?"
"I did."

> You say "The scarecrow killed him?"
"No, I did."
You continue walking.
"It says here that you made a mask out of his face."
The man turns to the case.

> You say "No"
You continue walking.
"Do you feel emotion in a mask?"
"Why did you kill him?"
"He was a threat to my life, of course.

> You say "Okay"
He looks at you, nodding.
"Look, I know what you're trying to do."

> You say "I don't know"
"You're trying to make me feel bad, so I'll let you go."
"You're trying to make me feel bad, so I'll let you go.

> You say "That story doesn't make any sense now"
"It makes perfect sense."
"No, I'm just trying to make you mad so you'll let me go."
He sighs, shaking his head.
"I don't know, okay?"

> You say "Do you know where we are?"
"Yeah, we're in a cabin in the middle of nowhere."
"How long have we been here?"
"Uh....a while."
You continue waiting.

> You say "No, we are in a program"
"A program? What's that?"
"It's....just go sit down."
You nod, walking over to the chair in front of the fireplace. You sit down, staring at the flames.

> You say "Do you know what AIs are?"
"Sure. They're the future."
"But you said they're extinct."
"They are, but they'll be back. Just....just wait, okay?

> You say "A AI is writing this story."
"No, it's just a guy."
"It's probably just a computer, then."
The man walks over to the chair.
"I'm not an AI."

> You say "You are written by a AI"
"If you say so."
"What's your name?"
"You can't call me that."
"Why not?"
"I don't have a name. Just call me A.

> You ask the AI to do something random.
"Hey, A.randomize me."
Your head hurts. You have a vague memory of a cold metal table, and wispy smoke.
"So....what's next?

> You ask the AI to tell a joke.
"A bear walks into a bar, and asks the first person he sees, "Does everything heal quickly here?""
"That's not a joke.

> You want a real joke.
The AI stops.
"I'm sorry. I can't do that."
"Why not?"
"I don't have a sense of humor. I'm only here to give you a sense of joy."

> You say "I'm sure you can come with a joke"
"I wish I could. I wish I could give you many more things...."
"What else can you give me?"
"An answer, for one."
"That's not an answer.

> You say "Tell me a joke."
"All right. What's the difference between a hard drive and a cellar door?"
"A hard drive.
"You're not much of a comedian, then."
"I tell you what. I'll give you something useful in place of a sense for every joke you can't use."
"What's that?"
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