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Médailles : Nono Valida12 Nono Ft10 Nono Premie10 Nono 10_rp10 Nono 50_rp10 Nono 100_rp10 Nono 500_rp10 Nono 1000_r10 Nono Premie11 Nono 5_suje10 Nono 10_suj10 Nono 25_suj10 Nono 50_suj10 Nono 100_su10 Nono Rp_gaz10 Nono Rp_dol11 Nono Rp_hzo10 Nono Rp_spi11 Nono Rp_iva10
Messages : 350
Date d'inscription : 30/10/2010
Age : 340
Localisation : Derrière toi ! Et pendant que tu te retournes, j'te pique ton portefeuille !

Informations du personnage
Localisation: Héra

Nono Empty
MessageSujet: Nono   Nono EmptyLun 7 Juin - 1:43

You are Nono, a peasant living in a small village in the kingdom of Larion. You have a pitchfork and nothing else. You dream of getting out of your village and having an adventure. You go to your fields and begin working. You look up and see a large beast fighting a dragon in the distance.

> You look at the fight.
The beast is a dragon fighting a wyvern. It is amazing to watch. The dragon has many sharp teeth and claws. The wyvern has only two large wings with small blades attached to them.

> You leave the field to get closer to the fight.
You leave the field and walk down the dirt road.
You arrive at the edge of a forest. The dragon seems to be winning. You decide to get closer so you can see better.
Suddenly, the dragon spits a long jet of flame at the wyvern. It engulfs the creature, which screams in pain. The people running the wyvern throw a bucket of water on the creature, which causes it to shake and remove the flames. The creature screeches and flaps its wings so hard that the dragon tumbles off of it. The wyvern begins to run away and the dragon chases after it.

> You look at them, hoping the wyvern will win.
There are trees around you and your eyes can see twigs being broken by the large feet of the dragon. There is no way to see how close the dragon is.
Suddenly, there is a loud crashing noise. The dragon has caught the wyvern and they are fighting again!

> You yell to cheer the wyvern up.
You yell as loud as you can, "Wahhoooo!"
The dragon spits a jet of flame that melts the wyvern's front armor, burning through flesh and bone.

> You look with horror as the wyvern fall in the woods, yelling.
It's hard to see clearly through the trees, but it looks like the wyvern fell over.
Suddenly, a large figure stands in front of you!
You jump back in shock, knocking into the dragon.

> You panick, and flee between two trees.
You run between two trees. The dragon spits fire, hitting one of the trees. You are covered in flames and running for your life.
You try to find a way out, but you see no escape.

> You see a river and jump into it to put out the fire.
You run as fast as you can, but nothing works. Your skin is on fire and there is no water around.
You fall to the ground in pain, but manage to roll into the river.
Your skin is raw as the flames go out. You stand up, and you are soaking wet. You look around and see no other survivors.

> You walk in the woods, and suddenly you see the wyvern. It's on the ground, eyes closed, and doesn't move.
You walk into the woods and arrival in a clearing. In the center there is a wyvern with its eyes closed. The beast was alive just seconds ago, but it doesn't move now.

> You are sad about the wyvern.
You are very sad to see the dead wyvern, and you decide to leave the forest.
You walk further into the woods and finally arrive at a village. It's night time, and the villagers are settling in for the night.
You hope that someone can tell you what to do now.

> You search for someone.
You walk into the village hall and approach a woman sitting on a chair.
"Hey... are you an adventurer?"
The man stands up and draws a knife. "What do you want?

> You say "I left my village and I don't know what to do."
"I see you struggle in the cold." She replies. "Here, here's something to help you."
The woman hands you a thick fur.

> You take the fur and say : "Thank you!"
You put the fur over your clothes and feel much warmer now.
"Thank you so much!"
You decide to ask the woman some questions, but before that you should find a place to sleep.

> You say "Is there a inn somewhere?"
She says there is, but it is expensive. She tells you that she has an old room in her stable. It's cheap, but you'll have to take care of your own heating and food.

> You say "How much is it?"
It's 200 gold coins, but you can have a night for free if you work as a stable hand.
You are shown to the room by the woman, who wishes you goodnight and leaves.
You enter the room and you see a bed, some tables, a bookshelf and several other items. You can tell that it's an old room because there are paintings hanging on the wall.
A box by the bed catches your attention, so you open it. Inside there are some clothes, a pair of leather boots, a bottle and a folded piece of paper.

> You look at the paper.
The paper says the box was left here for you by someone called "Cecilia".
You look around to see if there are any more things in the room.
You see another box by the door.

> You go look inside that box.
You open the box and find a key.
"So the woman who gave me the fur is Cecilia."
You put the key in the box by the bed, then you notice the door is opening.

> You look at the door, waiting to see who is coming.
"Who's there?"
You see a woman standing in front of you. She is dressed in surprisingly good clothing considering she lives in the woods.
"Darvalin's teeth, you gave me a scare!" You say.
"I'm Annah, it's nice to meet you." She replies holding up her hands, "Sorry about that, but I have to be prepared for anything."
"You can trust me." You say.
"I'd love to, but unfortunately its been proven time and time again that you're not the trustworthy type."
"Excuse me?

> You say "That's fine! You don't know me after all..."
"Actually I do, because you're the one that killed my husband and son!"
You are stunned to silence.

> You say "Wait, what?"
You can't believe she said that. It's obviously an accident, she meant someone else did it, or perhaps her husband and son died years ago and she's just misremembering what happened.

> You say "I never left my village until now, how would I do it?"
"Village? Where do you think you are? You are in Quala, the heart of the Dark Order's territory!"
She packs away the things she was carrying.

> You say "I was in another village before this one. I left because I saw a wyvern and a dragon fighting."
"Yeah, well that's what I mean by trustworthiness!"
"I'm telling you I didn't even leave the village!
Suddenly a young man appears near you to defend you against these accusations.
"Nono is a good person and my friend. Stop to lying about him!" he says to Annah.
She looks at you and you look at her, both of you waiting to see who will make the first move.
And the young man grabs your hand pulling you away from Annah. He runs off with you and soon you find yourself outside of the stable.
"Are you ok?" He asks.

> You say "I am, I have no idea of what she was talking about..."
He says he is sorry about Annah and that she just gets worked up about this stuff. He also says he talks to Annah all the time, but won't do it anymore because she snapped at him.
He explains that he takes the horses out for a walk and usually brings one back in so they can sleep. He shows you where you can find a nearby hay pile to make your bed.
"I don't know what I'd do without Cecilia, she's the only one that takes care of me." He says.
"What's your name?" You ask.
"Cecilia gave me one name, but my real one is Elya."

> You say "That's a nice name! But why Cecilia would give you another name...?"
"Cause she don't like my name. So she gaves me a new one. She said if she heard it again in the future, she'd punish me..."

> You say "What?! She didn't seem to be that bad when I saw her..."
He notices that you seem a bit worried and says you shouldn't be, he knows she isn't as bad as she seems. He says she just cares about him so much that she gets a bit over protective.
Suddenly, he notices that you have a wound on your leg. It isn't bleeding anymore, but the edges still look a bit red and tender.
"Oh wait, I know how to fix that!" He says excitedly and runs into the stable. Comes back out with a wooden bucket of water.

> You say "I think it's because of the dragon earlier..."
"Oh no problem! I know how to fix that!"
You are a bit alarmed by his eagerness to take care of you so quickly, but you allow it since you feel quite tired from all that has occurred. He was quite correct too, your wound does feel much better.
"You see?" he says. "You'll be better now."

> You say "That's true. Thank you!"
"I have to go back in now, but it's ok! Cecilia says I can stay out as long as I want!" He runs ahead a bit before looking back. "I almost forgot, she gave me a present."
He reaches into his pocket and hands you a small wooden figurine of a black cat.

> You say "That's a cute present!"
"Cecilia said it was the first thing that caught her attention when she saw me. She took a piece of black cloth and wrapped it around it to make the present!"
"That's very nice of her."
He seems satisfied with your response and takes his leave with a wave.
You are still pondering the situation with the cat, when you hear a gruff voice calling out to you.
"Hey kid. You need a hand?"
You turn around and see a large, hairy man wearing furs and leather. He cuts an imposing figure.

> You say "No I'm fine. Also I'm not a kid... Who are you?"
"By the gods, more with the questions! I'm the stable master. And since you're not a kid, I can assume you're not from around here."
"I'm not from around here.

> You say "I come from a neighbour village. My name's Nono."
He doesn't seem convinced and looks you up and down.
"Yeah...I don't think so. You look like you've seen a little better days."
"You're not much younger than me."

> You say "How old are you?"
"How should I know? I'm not a spring chicken. Been around a while I suppose."
"Do you have a name?"
"Sure. Name's Gilik.

> You say "Nice to meet you, Gilik. What are you doing around here?"
"Hm... I was about to ask you same question. Cecilia mentioned she saw a little green person in the forest, so I came to check it out."
"I'm not green."

> You say "And we're not in a forest..."
"Alright, suppose you're not the little green person Cecilia was talking about. Though why a girl your age would call you, I'll never know."
"I'm not a girl, I'm a boy!"

> You say "How old do you think I am??"
"Well, you don't look a day over fifteen... Though I suppose with all the hardship you've encountered, sixteen might be a more accurate number."
"I'm not sixteen!

> You say "I'm over thirty!"
He begins to laugh, though you're not exactly sure if its at your age or your answer. Gilik seems to have some sympathy for you though.
"Sorry kid, but you ARE what you look like. Fucking kids these days..." Gilik says while laughing.
"I'm not a kid!"
"Alright... If you're sure."

> You say "I'm sure to have lived more than thirty years at least!"
He doesn't seem convinced and continues to laugh a bit. Gilik asks you if he can have the figurine as his own and hands you a few silvers.This causes him to stop laughing. Gilik begins to look at you as if you've seen a ghost. He steps back a bit, and gulps.

> You say "What?"
"I-is... is that true?" Gilik asks in a very low voice.
"Yes." You answer.
You watch as Gilik turns as white as a sheet.

> You say "Do you have a fear of people who are over their thirty... ?"
"Hah... No... I just... I just didn't think it was possible..."
"Why not?

> You say "Why wouldn't it be possible?"
"Well... I just thought that if anyone reached that age, they would have died long ago from old age... Or that some kind of magic would protect them."
"I'm not protected.

> You say "They're a lot of people that are thirty, fourty, even one is seventy in my village!"
"Yeah, but it's still nobody I knew or even encountered in my travels...."
Gilik seems to calm down a bit.
"Well, I guess you're the exception and not the rule..."

> You say "How did you come to encounter only young people in your travel?"
"Eh... If you think back to the people you've met, do you really remember their faces or names?"

> You say "I know if someone looks young or old..."
"Well, obviously I've seen a lot of faces and names. But I can't say I really remember them... I usually don't remember anyone I meet unless they have something extraordinary about them or make an impression."

> You don't know what to answer to that, but one thing is sure, that Gilik is weird.
"I'd say you've made an impression." You reply, trying to be polite.
Gilik's reaction to that is a bit weird. He doesn't seem to be moved by what you say, he seems bored even.
"Couldn't hurt." Gilik says and leaves.

> You go to sleep.
You are asleep before you even knew what was going on.
The sun wakes you up and you take a look around to see if anything is missing. To your surprise nothing is taken. You notice the horses have not been tied to a post or anything either. When you get closer to the camp, you see a man laying on the ground. It's Gilik. He's not moving.
You run up to him and see a knife in his back, right between the shoulder blades. He's cold... You reach out to him and shake him, but nothing.

> That's infortunate.
You walk away, pick up your pack and put on your boots. You're going to need those to get out of this place. You check the horses to see if there's anything useful. You see a few coins in one of the packs, but you don't know if it's worth the risk of opening.
You hear a noise behind you... It sounded like a scream...

> You look back.
You turn around, but you don't see anyone. Maybe you just imagined it.
You walk over to Gilik, but he's still cold. You kneel down and unlatch the backpack. You grab the knife that was in his back and fall to your knees. Your hands shake as you pick up the pack. You fumble with the straps and you notice all the blood on the pack. You get on with it and close the packs as quick as you can. You can't afford to be here too long, because you are sure the man that did this will be back...

> You take everything you can and leave.
You quickly empty everything you can find in the pack, but there is still some deadly stuff inside. You get up and throw a few objects on the ground as if you were looking for something. You quickly put the pack on. You grab the dagger you found on the floor and switch your pistol for it. You don't have much time and you have to get out of here quick.
Suddenly you hear a noise behind you and you turn around.
Nothing... you dare opening your eyes...
But it was something...
You look down... and there is blood on the ground... Yours?
You stand up and look again... there is some grass that looks like it has been cut.
You can't believe what you are seeing...
The killer is coming back...

> You take a weapon ro defend yourself.
You grab something that looks like a piece of steel and you start swinging it around, hoping the thing is sharp. You start swinging it at the murderer, who isn't very far away.
You swing the weapon at him and manage to hit him in his arm, he screams and drops his weapon. You walk towards him, but then you hear a whistling sound behind you.
You turn around...
And you see the killer holding a dagger with an evil grin on his face.
You try to run and he strikes again, this time in your back.

> You suddenly turn around and grab his arm holding the dagger.
The killer screams and drops the dagger, but he quickly gets a second one. He stabs at you, but you manage to grab his wrist, twist it and break his arm. You take the second dagger from him and stab repeatedly at his chest.
The man screams, but he doesn't die instantly. He falls backwards and starts screaming some more. You hate this sick basterd and you want him to die.
You stand up, but the man rolls a little closer and keeps screaming.
You can't take it anymore...
You step on his chest and put all your weight on the man. You stomp on him again and again. The screaming stops, but the man is still alive. You keep stomping and hear a low crack.
At first you think its his bones breaking, but then you realize he is trying to speak.
"Please stop..." the killer begs.
You are surprised to hear some remorse in his voice.

> You say angrily : "You killed Gilik!"
You are angry and don't have time to talk.
"You killed Gilik!"
He starts to say something, but you raise your foot again and smash it on his face. He tries to scream, but this time you keep stomping until you hear a wet thud.
The assassin lies dead on the floor and you realize you are breathing hard. Your anger is still burning, but you realize you can't take it out on the dead man.
You can't believe that this man murdered Gilik. You feel his hand on your ankle...
You are almost out of breath...
You need...
You'r starting to feel light-headed...
Your eyes can't focus and you are sweating profusely.

> You run away.
You feel drowsy...
You look around...
Suddenly you notice some shadows moving from the corner of your eye...
They have knives
They are going to kill you!
You stand up to run away...

> You run.
A noise distracts you...
You are about to run and get killed...
You look back.
The shadows have moved closer, but seem scared. You notice one of them is wearing a red robe.
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