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Médailles : Raphael Valida12 Raphael Ft10 Raphael Premie10 Raphael 10_rp10 Raphael 50_rp10 Raphael 100_rp10 Raphael 500_rp10 Raphael 1000_r10 Raphael Premie11 Raphael 5_suje10 Raphael 10_suj10 Raphael 25_suj10 Raphael 50_suj10 Raphael 100_su10 Raphael Rp_gaz10 Raphael Rp_dol11 Raphael Rp_hzo10 Raphael Rp_spi11 Raphael Rp_iva10
Messages : 355
Date d'inscription : 30/10/2010
Age : 340
Localisation : Derrière toi ! Et pendant que tu te retournes, j'te pique ton portefeuille !

Informations du personnage
Localisation: Héra

Raphael Empty
MessageSujet: Raphael   Raphael EmptyLun 7 Juin - 1:54

You are Rafael, a male human hunter in the town of Boka. As a young boy you'd often visit the town of Nobe. The people there were always kind to you and you had many friends in the town. A year ago the kingdom of Nobe laid siege to Boka and was eventually defeated. Recently the town has been celebrating the victory.
Created: Feb 13th 2021 at 1:11AM
Updated: Feb 27th 2021 at 4:34AM
Actions: 103

Xaxas is a world of peace and prosperity. It is a land in which all races live together in harmony. The gnomes build their machines and live among the humans. Elves run the academies in which people come to learn. Ogres have no qualms living in the same town as humans or gnomes. Yet, all is not well.

You are Rafael, a male human hunter in the town of Boka. As a young boy you'd often visit the town of Nobe. The people there were always kind to you and you had many friends in the town. A year ago the kingdom of Nobe laid siege to Boka and was eventually defeated. Recently the town has been celebrating the victory. There is a party going on. Perhaps you should go to this party.

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What better way to spend your time in this town then to go to a party?

> You prepare yourself to go to the party.
You have decided to go to the party. You made the right choice.
You quickly walk to the inn where the party is being held. You arrive and see many people you know.

> You great everyone.
You greet all the people you see, you make your way to the bar and order a drink.
"On the house! Have a good time!
The barkeep says as he gives you a drink.

> You thank him and take the drink.
You take the drink and make your way to a table. You sit down and put your drink on the table to sip from later.
Not long after you sit down, you hear someone call out your name.

> You look around, searching for the person who called you.
Your eyes meet and she comes over to sit next to you.
"Hello, I'm Alison"
She says while extending her hand for a handshake or a hug.

> You shake her hand. "Hi Alison, so you came to the party too?" you say.
You shake her hand and she smiles.
"I was wondering when you'd show up! So how have you been?"
You reply, unsure of how to reply. You aren't in a good place.

> You reply : "Well, I can say I'm more or less fine. What about you?"
She looks at you with an expression that implies you're not okay and begins to worry about you.
"I've been better, though I'm sure things could be much worse."

> You say "As always."
She nods her head in understanding.
"I saw a man killed the other day because he couldn't pay his loan. People are starving and no one cares."
You say angrily.
"I've tried everything I can to get out of debt, but I'm not getting out of it soon."
You continue.
"I've got two months until they take my house."
You say and look down, reflecting on your situation. Alison puts her hand on your shoulder.
"Come on, let's get some air."
She replies.
You and Alison stand up and walk outside, the two of you turn to face each other.
"Alison, I'm really sorry but I have to ask."
You say, no doubt worrying about the answer.
"Have you ever done anything with a man?"
"Alison says while putting her hand on your chest."
She leans in slowly and then suddenly. She kisses you on the lips.
"Alison, I'm really sorry for bringing you here."
You say.
"I just... I can't do this anymore. I just want to die."
She replies.
"Well, I don't think that's going to help."
You say.
"I need to figure out a way out of this debt and out of this situation. I'm sorry I brought you here."
"Don't be. I'll leave you to it then."
"No, wait!"
You say and run after her, but she is already walking away.
"Alison, wait!"

> You stop.
You stop running and turn around, but she has already disappeared into the crowd. You're about to turn away when you see a dark robed figure enter your view. They approach you.

> You say "Hello, what can I do for you?"
You say in a polite tone. The figure approaches you, you can't make out their face, but you notice they are holding something black which they lower and place near your own eyes.
The figure then steps back, and you are able to make out their face. Despite their black robe you can see they are a younger man, likely in his thirties.
"I'm here to help you."
He says, his voice monotone and lacking emotion.

> You say "Help me?"
You reply. His eyes narrow, as if your reply offended him.
"Do you feel cursed, citizen?"
He replies acerbically.

> You say "Cursed? Not really... Why that?"
You ask, trying to be polite despite yourself.
"If you have not been cursed, then you must be guilty of something. Why else would a god curse you?"
He says.

> You say "I am not guilty of anything, and no god cursed me."
You reply, finding it impossible to be polite when he has asked you such a question.
"The gods cursed you, citizen. You have angered them and they are punishing you for your transgressions."

> You say "Why would have I angered them?"
You ask, genuinely confused by the man's words.
"Who are you?"
"My name is unimportant, what is important is why are you here."
He says, his tone showing he doesn't believe you.
"I'm just passing through, honestly aren't most travellers?"
You reply. His attitude causes you to tense up.
"Where is your home, citizen?"
He asks.

> You say "I'm living here."
You say, wondering why he would ask such a question. He seems to perk up at your response.
"I can help you."
He says.

> You stop speaking, and listen what he has to say.
You think to yourself, this strange man could very well have information on the situation in Orlania. However you don't trust him. He has displayed a certain.. coldness that has led you to be wary.
"Why should I trust you?"
You ask, keeping your guard up. He nods his head slowly, as if pondering how to word his next sentence.
"You shouldn't."
He says finally.

> You move away.
You take a few steps back. He looks at you with disappointment.
"The Gods will help us through this drought."
He says, looking almost angry at the Gods for not helping.
"Our prayers are with you, citizen."
He says, turning to leave.
"I have told you what you need to know. Pray to your Gods, and they will listen this time."

> You say "Okay?"
You say. He sighs and nods his head.
"Yes... I think you need help, I can help you."
"I know who the culprit is."
"The culprit?"

> You say "Listen, I don't need any help, now leave me alone, please."
He looks at you, his eyes full of sadness. He sighs and nods his head slowly.
"I'm sorry for bothering you, citizen."
He says.

> You say "Please, do not bother anyone with that. Some people may get very mad."
"But the drought is the work of the Gods, that why I am here to help you."
"The drought is a result of natural causes."
"Are you sure?"
You think for a moment.

> You say "Of course, why won't that be? It's always natural causes."
The man seems relieved by your response.
"Thank you, citizen. I knew I could count on you."
He says, and walks off into the night. You watch him go, wondering if you had made the right choice.
The morning comes, and if the man came back or not you have no idea. You resume your journey into Orlania.
A couple days later after another long and tiring day of travelling you get to where you need to be. You travel through the town, which is very different looking from the one in which you stayed the night before. The houses look more secure and are made of brick, rather than the wooden houses you saw the day before. There are also a lot more soldiers milling about. You ask the guard where you can find the nearest inn and he directs you to an Inaccessable Inn run by a man named Hans. The guard mentions that it should be good enough to get you started.
You walk to the inn, which is very near, and open the door. You are immediately assaulted by loud music and neon lights. You blink and look around. Have you inadvertently entered a karaoke bar? You walk in and take in your surroundings.
You are in a big open foyer area. There are doors off to the right and a staircase off to the left. The room off to the right is filled with people cheering and up to their elbows in alcohol.

> You say "Hello?"
No one replies. You try again, louder this time.
Again, no response. You shrug and head to the left, where there are stairs leading up and a long hallway leading to more rooms.

> You go up the stairs.
You walk up the stairs and enter the bar. The room has a few people in it, but not many, and they are all looking at you. One man motions you to come join them at their table.

> You join them.
You join the men at their table. As you do so, you realize that they are all wearing very different cloaks from the one you are wearing.
"I'm Captain Eckard."

> You say "Nice to meet you, I'm Rafael."
He looks at you with mild confusion.
"The ghost-talkers told us about you."
He says, still looking confused.
"Oh, thems."

> You say "What did they say about me?"
"They said that you'd be able to make it rain."
He laughs heartily at his own joke and gets up.

> You say "Why?"
He chuckles and gestures to the door.
"I'm going to get me a prophet. We're going to fill this place with water. Bring 'em on in, boys!"
The men cheer and move to pour the alcohol out of the door. You return to your room and get some rest.
The sound of people cheering wakes you in the morning.
Suddenly there is a shout.
"Rafael! Rafael!"
Your name is called out several times and you are forced out of bed by the landlady.

> You say "What is happening?"
"The prophet, he's back."
She takes you to the bottom of the steps and points upwards.
"He's in there."
You look up and see a man sitting on a windowsill.

> You say "The what?"
"The prophet! He's back!"
The man flips backwards off the window and onto the roof. He starts walking around, speaking in tongues.
The landlady tugs at your arm.

> You say "Okay but who is the prophet?"
She points to the roof.
"He's the prophet!"
You turn to your roommate.
"I think there's a prophet on our roof."
He sits up and looks.

> You say "Why is someone on the roof?"
He ignores you and gets out of bed. He walks over to the roof, where he stops and holds out his hands. He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. Then he begins to speak in a loud, rhythmic voice.
"Sprinklers, rain, humidity... bring it on down hard!"
He opens his eyes and looks around. At first, nothing seems to happen. Then, a heavy rain begins to fall.

> You frown.
The rain falls in sheets. The drunk claps his hands and smiles. Then, even though the rain is falling directly on him, he starts to laugh. He runs into the downpour and disappears from sight.
The landlady pushes you back inside the inn.
"You! Stay here!"
She shouts at your roommate as she runs off to follow the man.

> You stay here.
You remain in the inn.
After a few minutes, your landlady returns with a serious, if somewhat confused expression.
"The man's gone."
She says in a matter-of-fact tone.

> You say "Well he made the rain fall so the drough is over?"
She says, sighing in exasperation.
"I don't even know why I bother. If he wants to believe in prophets, I suppose I can't stop him."

> You say "Hum, he just made the rain FALL."
"Yes, and don't you think that's a good sign?"
"Well I suppose so."
Your landlady sighs dejectedly.

She gives you a look of disapproval.
"You might be right."
She says, before moving to serve the other customers.
The next day, you make your way through the streets of Boka.

> You decide that everything is just annoying and angrily walk in the city.
You swear as you nearly trip over a curb stone in the street. Most of the time, you're just pissed because you're lazy and don't feel like doing anything, but occasionally you swear in exasperation. This is one of those times.
You continue to Boka, where you notice the streets are a little more lively than in Numb.
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