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 Acorn et Samuel rencontrent Joan et Edgar

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Médailles : Acorn et Samuel rencontrent Joan et Edgar Valida12 Acorn et Samuel rencontrent Joan et Edgar Ft10 Acorn et Samuel rencontrent Joan et Edgar Premie10 Acorn et Samuel rencontrent Joan et Edgar 10_rp10 Acorn et Samuel rencontrent Joan et Edgar 50_rp10 Acorn et Samuel rencontrent Joan et Edgar 100_rp10 Acorn et Samuel rencontrent Joan et Edgar 500_rp10 Acorn et Samuel rencontrent Joan et Edgar 1000_r10 Acorn et Samuel rencontrent Joan et Edgar Premie11 Acorn et Samuel rencontrent Joan et Edgar 5_suje10 Acorn et Samuel rencontrent Joan et Edgar 10_suj10 Acorn et Samuel rencontrent Joan et Edgar 25_suj10 Acorn et Samuel rencontrent Joan et Edgar 50_suj10 Acorn et Samuel rencontrent Joan et Edgar 100_su10 Acorn et Samuel rencontrent Joan et Edgar Rp_gaz10 Acorn et Samuel rencontrent Joan et Edgar Rp_dol11 Acorn et Samuel rencontrent Joan et Edgar Rp_hzo10 Acorn et Samuel rencontrent Joan et Edgar Rp_spi11 Acorn et Samuel rencontrent Joan et Edgar Rp_iva10
Messages : 355
Date d'inscription : 30/10/2010
Age : 340
Localisation : Derrière toi ! Et pendant que tu te retournes, j'te pique ton portefeuille !

Informations du personnage
Localisation: Héra

Acorn et Samuel rencontrent Joan et Edgar Empty
MessageSujet: Acorn et Samuel rencontrent Joan et Edgar   Acorn et Samuel rencontrent Joan et Edgar EmptyLun 7 Juin - 1:26

Glandu, a tiny creature that look like a bat without wings and Samuel, a ghost, travel around the world. They meet a young man named Joan, who is the slave of a vampire, Edgar.

> Glandu enters a hotel with Samuel to reserve a room.
Glandu enters a hotel and goes to the counter. "I need a room", he says.
"I'm sorry, but we only have rooms to rent to humans. Are you a human?"
the man who answered Glandu was Edgar, the manager of the hotel. But Joan was there and said : They're aren't human... but we can accepted them, no ? we don't have a lot of clients at the moment...
"Well... yes... I'm not a human, but..."
"Alright, you can have a room, but you'll have to sign a paper stating that you won't harm any of our staff or guests"

> Glandu looks at Samuel for a moment and shrugs, then accepts to sign the paper.
"I'm not going to harm anyone, I promise", Glandu signs the paper and gets a key from the man.
Samuel walks next to him, as they go up to their room.

> Joan says "And me ? what am I doing? Do you need me?"
"Yes", Glandu says. "We're going to need you for a job"
"A job?

> Glandu says "Yes! And your mission is... to find a book for me!"
Joan laughs, then he finds the book that Glandu was looking for, and gives it to him.
"Thank you", Glandu says.

> Joan says "it's all ? "

> Glandu says "That'll be fine, thank you! This hotel looks beautiful, have you been working here for a long time?"
"For about three years now, why do you ask?"
"No reason", Glandu says, while he looks at the books.
"Well, I'll leave you to it", Joan says.
Joan leaves the clients and returns to see his master at reception.

> Glandu settles in the hotel room with Samuel, and Glandu tells him : "Did you see the young man who gave me the book? He looked sad to me..."
Samuel nods. "He is sad"
"Hmm... I thought so. We'll have to find a way to cheer him up"
Samuel smiles.
Joan at the reception was waiting for clients. Time seemed long to him. He say at his master : Master, could I continue to take care of these clients? The ghost and uh ... the other thing? seem to have disappeared"
Master Edgar looks at him. "Yes, you can continue to work, but I'm going to ask you to do something else, will you do it for me?"

> Glandu thinks about what to do to cheer up Joan, and quickly found something! He goes out his room, followed by Samuel, and see Joan speaking with Edgar, but don't go near them and listen to what they're saying before doing anything.
"I can't do that, I'm sorry", Joan says. "We have a special agreement, you know..."
"Yes, yes, I know. We'll talk about that another time, I promise"

> Joan says "Master ?"
"Why don't you want me to work at this hotel anymore?

> Glandu turns toward Samuel and whispers to him : "That may be why he's sad, they want to fire him!"
Samuel nods to Glandu.
Edgar, still talking with Joan, seems not to notice that Glandu and Samuel're there, but suddenly turns toward the lobby and sees them standing behind a pillar.

> Joan says "This job is important to me and I need the money ... I thought I was competent."
"You are competent. You have proven it over and over again, but the thing is, I don't think working here is going to improve your situation."
"What do you mean?

> Glandu says to Samuel : "Come on, we must do something!" and he comes closer Joan and Edgar. Glandu says to them : "Eh! If there is a problem, maybe we can solve it for you!"
Edgar turns to look at Glandu and then looks at Samuel. He knows something's going on with those two, and he doesn't like it.
"What are you two doing here?" he asks them.
"We're here to help", Samuel says, with a smile.
Edgar doesn't look convinced, but he says "Alright, come with me, we're going to the cellar" and goes down the stairs.

> Glandu and Samuel follow Edgar. "Is there anything bad into the cellar?" Glandu asks.
"Only the wine", Edgar says.
They get to the cellar, and Edgar opens the only locked door there. He looks at you all and sighs.
"Alright, let's do this"

> Joan says "My master... Why we are here ? "
"I'll explain everything, just stay calm, alright?"
Edgar walks forward, and as he opens the door to the inner keep, the moonlight shines upon you all.

> Glandu tries to peek into the cave, wondering why Edgar want him and Samuel go in here.
As you all enter, Samuel points to the cave and says "Look, isn't it beautiful?"
You can see nothing but darkness within the cave, even though the moon is out.
"Come on, you id...!"
Suddenly, a large howl is heard, and all of a sudden several glowing eyes appear in the darkness.

> Glandu takes one step back and says : "What's that? Werewolves?"
"Yes, and no", Edgar says, as the howls continue. "It's actually a lot more sinister than just werewolves."
Joan grabs Edgar's sleeve and says : Weren't they your brothers anyway ...?
"Exactly", Edgar says, as the howls increase in volume.
You all take a step back, looking at each other.
"I thought you said it was sinister", Samuel says.

> Glandu looks at Edgar and says to him : "Wait, if they're your brothers, why are they looked down there?"
"I thought you said it was a lovely place, sir", Glandu says to Edgar.
Edgar grabs Glandu's shoulder and spins him around, before throwing him to the ground.

> Glandu falls on the ground, then plaintively says to Edgar : "Why would you do that??"
Edgar takes one step forward, to the point where his nose is just inches away from Glandu's, and snarls :
"Do you really think I'm some kind of monster, boy?
Joan grabs Edgar's arm and say: "Leave him and let's get out of here ..."
Edgar turns to him, and says: "Oh no, we're not leaving yet."
Samuel begins to say : "But they're attacking us..."

> Glandu stands up, looking at Edgar and his brothers in the darkness in fear. Glandu says : "Why won't we get out of here if they're attacking us? That's not fair!" he turns toward Edgar and asks him : "What do you want from us then?"
Edgar pauses for a moment, before snarling and grabbing Glandu by the shoulders.
"I want you to make a choice", he says.

> Joan says "master what's wrong with you ?!"
"Do you want to be killed?"
Glandu's eyes widen, and he says "No!

> Glandu says "Why would you do that anyway? We didn't do anything to you!"
"Really?" Edgar says, raising his voice. "Because it sure as hell looks like we did something to you!"
Edgar bursts into laughter, and the three vampires join in. Glandu tries to back away, but the two other vampires hold him still.
"That's it, isn't it?" Edgar laughs. "You thought you could play with us, little blood leech."

> Glandu turns toward Samuel and says to him : "Samuel, help me! Do something!"
"Don't worry, Glandu. Everything will be alright."
Edgar snarls and lunges forward, biting Samuel's neck.
Joan jumps on the Edgar's back and says : Enough! We're leaving!
Edgar ignores her and continues to feed from Samuel.
"Edgar, you really need to stop this!" she says. "We're getting out of here!"

> Glandu looks at Edgar, puzzled. He says to Edgar : "You do realise that Samuel is a ghost, and you don't hurt him at all?" Glandu points to Samuel, and adds : "He doesn't even care about you!"
Edgar pauses, turning toward Samuel. He slows his feeding, then stops.
"It's true", he says, turning to you and your companions. "He doesn't care about me.
Edgar's brothers attack the group.
Samuel floats above the fight, watching. You watch him, wondering why he doesn't help.
After a few seconds, you notice that Edgar has grabbed Glandu and is biting his neck.

> Glandu tries casting a fire spell on Edgar to make him let go.
Glandu casts a quick blast of fire in Edgar's direction.
"Edgar, stop that!"
The fire hits Edgar, and he howls in pain.
Joan takes the opportunity to imitate Samuel and try to escape the fight by leaving the cellar.
Edgar looks at Glandu, surprised.
"Are you really a wizard?" he says. "Why didn't you do something before?"
Glandu shakes his head.

> Glandu takes a step back, and says : "Yes I am! And it's because I didn't need to!" He tries to look menacing, and he says : "And if you don't leave me alone, I'll be using more powerful spells!"
Edgar snarls and pushes Glandu against the wall, his teeth just millimeters away from Glandu's neck.
"You're not scary", he says.
Joan comes out of the cellar and runs to his room.
"Joan, no!" Glandu shouts.
Edgar takes a step toward him, but then stops. He lets go of Glandu and walks over to him
"What are you doing?"

> Glandu is absolutely terrified, and looks at Samuel floating up there, who does nothing. Glandu asks Samuel : "Are you going to do something or you're just too lazy?"
"Go ahead, Glandu. Do something", Samuel replies.
Glandu is about to cast a spell, but then decides that he doesn't want to risk Edgar's wrath again.
joan says to edgar : "I'm starting to understand what you're doing, are you feeding your brothers with the customers? That's why the hotel works less well, isn't it? I won't let you do this this time!"
Edgar doesn't answer, but instead walks over to HIM and pushes HIM against the wall.
"Shut up", he says, "or I'll shut you up".

> Glandu thinks about fleeing, but realise that Joan the young man needs help. Glandu tries to use a minor time spell to slow Edgar's movements.
Glandu tries to cast the spell, but fails.
"Shit", he thinks, and tries again.
This time, he succeeds, and Edgar starts to move very slowly.Joan takes the opportunity to tell Edgar : "I'm right ..."
and now that Edgar's movements are slowed down, he manages to flee to his room on the 2nd floor, while Glandu stays in front of the cellar to keep the other man from following him.
Glandu looks up and sees Samuel floating in the air, still as a stone.

> Glandu yells at Samuel : "Now Samuel! Let's leave this place!" And Glandu goes out of the cellar, closing the door behind.
Samuel remains indifferent.
"Let's do it", Glandu says, and pulls at the cellar door. It doesn't budge. He tries again, with more strength, and still no luck.
In his room, Joan opens the safe he had hidden from Edgar's eyes. He takes out vials of holy water and prepares to return to the cellar ...
Samuel suddenly flies down to the cellar, knocking over a table on his way. Glandu is startled by this sudden event, and manages to block a knife attack that Edgar throws at him.

> Glandu takes the knife with him and runs toward Samuel. Glandu says to him : "The door's locked, we can't go outside! Take this and do whatever you want with it, but do something!!" And Glandu gives the knife to Samuel.
Samuel turns the knife around and around in his hands, then throws it over his head, hitting the door.
"That should do it", he says.

Joan opens the door and toss the vials of holy water at Edgar's brothers. They are thrown off guard by this unexpected attack, and are hit by the liquid. They scream in pain, but don't go down.
"What the hell is this?", one of them screams.

> Glandu looks at the vampires yelling, then takes Samuel by the arm, and says : "Let's go!", before running toward the exit of the cellar. Glandu looks at Joan, wondering if he's coming too.
"No, I think I'm staying", he says.
Glandu takes a step back, but doesn't say anything. He looks at Edgar, who has finally managed to break the time spell.

> Joan says "my master ... Calm down please. Let them go ... I'm sorry I attacked your brothers but they have to leave the hotel ..."
"Shut up", Edgar snarls, looking at Glandu and Joan, who are standing near each other.

> Glandu whispers to Samuel, while pointing at Joan : "Let's just kidnap him or something like that, I'm sure he will be happier out of this place!"
"Do whatever you want", Samuel says.
Edgar throws his knife at Samuel, but he rolls to the side, then jumps over the vampire, pulling him toward the ground by his hair.

> Joan says "Kidnapped me ? let's survive Edgar already ... Master...
I don't want us to fight you .."
"You always backstab me ! I don't even know why I keep you around...

> Glandu begins to get a bit angry about this whole situation. He says to Edgar : "Then let him go! Why would you insist to keeping him here if you don't even like him?!" Glandu turns to Joan then and says to him : "And why do you want to stay here if they treat you like garbage?" then Glandu says to Edgar again : "Leave him alone! I may be pacifist and don't really want to fight, but Samuel won't hesitate to do so!"
"I can't do that", Edgar says, as he stands up again.
"Why not?", Glandu asks, surprised.
"Because", Edgar says, calmly, "if I let him go, he'd probably try to kill me. But if I keep him here, I can make him my slave".

> Glandu frowns, and then says to Edgar : "That the worse reason you could give! That's just mean." Glandu looks at Samuel, and says to him : "Can you just hit the vampire as hard as you can? I don't even care anymore now."
"You don't care?", Samuel says, surprised.
"No", Glandu says, "I'm angry enough as it is".
Samuel nods, then walks toward Edgar.

> Joan says "I wouldn't try to kill you master..."
"You ever thought about using a gun or something, you pathetic mortal?" Edgar says, angrily.
"No", Joan says, simply.
Edgar shakes his head.

> Glandu looks at Samuel, who finally decides to hit Edgar as hard as he could.
Edgar falls to the ground, groaning in pain.
"Stop doing that", Edgar says.
Samuel hits him again.
"Stop doing that too", Edgar says.
Samuel hits him again.

> Joan says "if you kill him i have no one and nowhere to go ..."

> Glandu says "You'll find someone nicer that him! You can't just live like that!"
"Do you want to come back home with me?", Glandu asks, turning to you.
You look at Glandu and consider the offer.
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Acorn et Samuel rencontrent Joan et Edgar
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